Be Like a Tree

 There is no surprise to anyone that meets or has known me that I’m a big hippie at heart. Mother Nature and the universe are the highest of powers in my eyes, even during the darkest storms she is magnificent. Don’t get me wrong, my hippie at heart ways are not always present. Moving around so much I have acquired many interests along the way; music, style, environment and even people. I’m not sure if it’s a gift or a curse to be able to blend, yet still stand out with whatever type of “crowd” you’re spending time with. Regardless, my hippie at heart always come back full circle and nature is my solace. 

Being that it’s earth day I think this now is a good time to use the saying “Be Like a Tree.” 

Many moons ago I was living in Westfield, NJ in a beautiful two family house. I was doing the rent to own thing, it was definitely an exciting time! I was working in the mortgage business, a female sales rep, killin it. I mean hey, be proud of yourself when you’re killin it at your job, that’s how you learn how to climb even higher. Anyway, when you’re young and making money sometimes planning ahead does not cross your mind. You’re just *L-I-V-I-N! Well, when the market crashed my good ‘ol mortgage sales job did as well. Without going into detail, it was a crash and burn situation really fast. I went from 100 to 0 before my own eyes, it was like a movie. 

So how this relates to being like a tree. The one thing I did not do was be like a tree, I did quite the opposite. I did not stay grounded, I pulled my roots out of the ground, I broke before bending, I did not stand tall and I sure did not keep growing. Looking back at the entire situation I am grateful for the lessons, they stung and I did not want to relive that feeling. 

Going through difficult situations, no matter what they are, no matter how old we are, “be like a tree. This is the best advice I can give someone. There have been many times that I was not like a tree and saw sides of myself that were the opposite of beautiful. It’s life, I get it. Experience becomes knowledge, it just may take a little longer for some of us to catch on. 

So remember when you’re able....stay grounded, connect with your roots, bend before you break, stand tall and keep growing. 

*Dazed and Confused Movie quote 


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