Early in life the innocence of everything is pure bliss. We may not remember what we were seeking as children, but i can guarantee you it was all fun stuff! Human beings seek pleasure, adventure, knowledge, excitement, novelty, simplicity, success, connection, purpose and most of all, love. These are my deductions anyway, people may vary on what they feel people (in general) seek. I am basing my answers off The Pleasure Principal. 

So lets take Psychology 101 for a minute. I love this stuff. The Pleasure Principle is something Sigmund Freud came up with. And by the way, Sigmund Freud, talk about an interesting human being! Anyway, in summary The Pleasure Principle is all about people’s tendency to seek pleasure and avoid pain. This involves the id (childhood), ego and superego (adulthood). We don’t need to get into all of that, just know they are three huge parts of the evolving mind. Pain is inevitable in life though, no? Yet we try to avoid it by any means necessary. Any means!

So now fast forward from Freudian times to “moving with Pilar 101.” It is a slippery slope to avoid pain by any means necessary though, there are endless options, healthy and unhealthy. Now don’t get me wrong, not all decisions to move have been based on pain avoidance. However, many moves have been to seek more pleasure to avoid pain. You know how long it took me to realize this, pppffft, a long time. I realized it though, after my last move!

Pain is not something we should run from or try to avoid. It can be our greatest lesson or our “best” experience, even though it can hurt us in many ways, shapes or forms. Everyone’s pain looks different as well. Not everything is dramatic or tragic that is painful, that’s an automatic go-to thought. Seeking pleasure to avoid pain does one thing, create more pain that will eventually surface like sludge rising from the bottom of a lake. 

For me, moving has been my pleasure principle. Sounds silly, right? I carried every address with me, some with a heavier bag than others. It takes so much love for the pain to recognize how it has helped us along the way. 


  1. Very well written and heartfelt. Can relate to this.


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