Who says?
“When you grow up you want to be married, have three children, live in the perfect house and work in a dream job. That’s what life is all about!!!” WHO SAYS?
I remember saying those words, I remember wanting those words, I remember it all happening, I remember being so happy, I remember feeling accomplished, I also remember it all crashing down right in front of me. One of the worst situations and times I have ever experienced in my life, and believe me, i don’t have many experiences to compare it to.
Continuous darkness does not mean there will never be light. This last move, I was not running or looking for situational saving. I was reaching for the light, begging it to hold me in its grips for as long as it could. Allowing me to go through a metamorphosis in one place, like the environment of a cocoon, wrapped tight being forced to grow and feel one place.
Life can be everything we imagine, even through pain. What i have found is “the trick,” the way out. You want to know what this amazing trick is??
Allow the pain to blossom, open yourself up so deep that you can feel the warmth again, don’t run from the pain and problems. Look within, with all the emotions you have, say “I’m ready” and don’t move.
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